Thursday, November 12, 2009

Giving Thanks in all Situations

Wow! I am pretty sure I have blogged on this subject before, but once again my faith is being tested by my circumstances. As most of you know I have been searching for work ever since I landed back in the USA nearly 6 weeks ago.
Despite my 30 years of experience, 25 in a management or executive position, I can't seem to land a job as a retail manager or anything else for that matter. I have been entrusted with national security information and millions of dollars of sensitive item inventory, but can't be trusted with t-shirt and board shorts.
I have received several notices of interest from employers wanting me to return to the middle east, but very little here with the exception of one very good job with very low pay that would require me to move. The moving did not prevent me from taking the job, although there is nothing I would love more than to live out my years right here on the Outer Banks, it was the inability to sell our home or maintain two households on what they were offering that caused me to decline what otherwise would have been a great opportunity.
Then the call came. I could not have been more excited. The company that sent me to Iraq was offering me a position here in the US. This is the one I had been waiting and praying for, but it was not to be.
It seems there was an obscure government requirement, thought at first to be inconsequential, that derailed my excitement. Back to square one in the job hunt.
At first I felt depression, then worthlessness and then a bit of anger. But at who? At whom should I be angry? No one intentionally denied me employment for personal reasons. God did not punish me for un-confessed sin, I don't think (pretty sure I have confessed it all). There was no one to blame and quite frankly I didn't care for that. It would have made it much easier to have someone to direct my anger towards, but it was not to be.
Recently I have been doing a lot of talking about how I had been convicted by God to share His word of encouragement with men to live out the faith we say we have. God didn't convict me to condemn other men for their actions or lack of, but rather as a result of my own self examination of my faith and trust in Him.
Suddenly I realized here is my chance. The chance to live out my faith. To praise God in spite of my circumstances, to rejoice and to give thanks for the undeserved protection and love I receive daily from my Lord and savior who would never harm me, but has given me abundant life.

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