Saturday, March 14, 2009


Today in Iraq is not much unlike yesterday or the day before or the day before.  The monotony and boredom are at once a blessing and a curse.  We could be busy, but that would probably mean that we are actively engaged in war and that would be far from a blessing.  On the other hand, when things die down, how you spend your time here becomes even more important.  I have read more books lately than I have read in my entire life, and I have watched more movies than I care to count.  I go to Chapel on Sundays, meet with a Bible study group on Thursdays and have been blessed with an Angell to spend time with.  No really, his name is Lou Angell.  I know you typically spell angel with one "L," But Lou's has 2 "L's" and that is alright.  Lou has become a good friend.  He is a fellow Christian I can share with, hang out with and drink lots of coffee with.  This friendship, I am certain, was arranged by God for two men who needed to occasionally be sharpened by another's sword.  So, together we do very little because there is very little to be done on an isolated base with few facilities, but without Lou I would be troubled by too much idle time which for me, or anyone for that matter, can be a dangerous thing.  So, while I have very little to report today I am thankful to God who keeps his eye on us at all times and sends you just what you need when you need it.  I hope you all have an ANGELL in your life.