Saturday, August 23, 2008

1-63 CAB Batallion Ball

Yesterday I attended my first military ball. It was amazing with all the pomp & circumstance our military hero's deserve. The Battalion Commander, LTC Bradford & CSM Lehr were there in their formal dress blues with all the ribbons & medals earned the hard way. They stood for the first hour or so greeting the hundreds of military men & women & their spouses who came for this memorable formal occasion. As things got kicked off they honored those before them & those present with a time honored military tradition of mixing a brew of different types of alcohol poured in a large agricultural tub by each of the Company Commanders and their First Sergeants. It begins with a punch beverage but is quickly transformed in to mixture of wine, brandy, whiskey, beer, rum & vodka. The CSM has the duty of ensuring the brew fit for consumption. Before acknowledging that it was fit for consumption CSM Lehr requested permission to add his own special ingredient. With permission being granted he pulled out an old holey military sock and mixed it in. Again he tasted to ensure it was fit to drink. When it was complete the junior enlisted soldier at each table was given the duty of rushing to the tub and filling a pitcher for those at their table.
The guest speaker for the event was Lt. General Caldwell who's father was the Commanding General of Fort Jackson, SC when my family arrived there in 1973. A building on Fort Jackson is named after his grandfather. As you can tell General Caldwell has quite a family history of distinguished military service. During a conversation with the General he gave me a coin. Military coins representing your command are also a time honored tradition and getting them is considered an honor.
At the conclusion of the of the formal event and dinner a DJ played while the soldiers and their significant others danced throughout the rest of the evening.
Not being a drinker I am not accustomed to being around all the alcohol & those liberally partaking in it. However, even in this environment I couldn't help but admire the men & women who were being honored at this ball. The last formal event prior to being separated from their loved ones & deployed to a war many of there own politicians don't support despite an overwhelming vote by congress to send them in the first place. Yet their commitment does not waver. The motto of the Big Red One is "No mission to tough, no sacrifice to great, danger forward, mission first".
Continue to pray for these young soldiers and the loved ones they leave behind. We may never be able to repay them for what they do, but we can make sure we honor them with our support, respect, love & prayers.
God bless our military & God bless America!