Thursday, January 15, 2009

Back In Iraq

Hey guys! It's now been a little over a week and I am settled in again in my temporary home. I can't say I am glad to be here, but I can thank God for the opportunity he has given me along with the employment. It saddens me to think of the financial stress many of those I care for back home are having to endure right now. My prayers are with you all and especially with those out of work right now.
Here the work is plentiful. Not necessarily for me all the time, but for our soldiers the work is never done. I wish I could send you the long list of projects they are working on for the people of Iraq. I know I have shared some of what they do, but you would still be amazed at the rest of the story as Paul Harvey always says. These guys and girls are the best in my humble opinion.
As for me, every day is a blessing and a sacrifice. I miss my Nancy and the kids so much, but I know God is blessing us in ways we may not be able to understand just yet. I will hold on to that belief and to the faith I have that He never, ever makes a mistake or does anything without a purpose. After all, "Everything got started in him and finds its purpose in him." Colossians 1:16
Keep believing and never doubt that God is in control.
God bless you all