Tuesday, September 9, 2008

As He Is

In a day and time when shopping is almost akin to therapy, we will usually find the clearance aisles loaded with products and people. There we can also see the "As Is" items-something is wrong with them, so we get them at bargain prices, take them home and fix them up. Imagine how God has taken us "As Is," full of flaws and imperfections. He has purchased us far above a bargain price, for it cost Him His only begotten Son. How immense is God's love for us that He would choose us for His own, cleanse us through and through, and transform us from "As Is" to As He Is." So if we ever feel like anything less, we can call to mind what God has fixed us up to be in Christ Jesus-a pearl of great price-for now we are the children of God.

Leticia Skelton

Remember our God delights in His children. You are loved!