Sunday, August 30, 2009

More Lessons from the Desert

Over the past couple of weeks I have been really meditating on a verse out of the book of Daniel. It seems to consume my thoughts as I seek to know my Savior better today than yesterday.
Ironically, while you are all familiar with Daniel, Chapter 3 and the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, it is a small part of one verse (18) that has me celebrating the remarkable word of God.
The 3 Jewish men had found favor with King Nebuchadnezzar and were set over the province of Babylon. Now, however, they were being accused of breaking the King's decree which required all men to bow down and worship a golden idol made by the King himself. In fact, they refused to worship any god, but their own, the God of Abraham. This of course took remarkable faith and courage. Their punishment was to be thrown in to the blazing furnace. Well we all know how the story ends and indeed God did rescue them.
But, they didn't know how the story would end when they responded to King Nebuchadnezzar's threat to toss them into the furnace. They knew God could save them and believed that He would save them, but they did not know. And still they responded;
"But even if He does not"... This statement spoke volumes to me. These men were prepared to remain faithful to their God whether He chose to save them or not. Can we have this kind of faith in today's world?
Not only can we, but we should if we truly believe that God is faithful to His word and faithful to us, His children.
I am sure right now there are things from which you would love to be rescued. I am sure that some of you believe that God will rescue you. What I hope is that we all understand that He may not, at least not how we expect, yet our faith should not be shaken.
I do not pretend to understand the ways of God, but I do intend on being faithful during all times, good and bad. If I stumble, and I am sure I will, He will pick me up again, not because of who I am, but who He is and in His Amazing Grace!
God bless you!